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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Beyonce’s Run The World LIVE in Billboard 2011">Beyonce’s Run The World LIVE in Billboard 2011</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 7, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Beyonce’s Run The World LIVE in Billboard 2011">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>
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<p>— Beyonce dancing to RUN THE WORLD. you gotta check the best performance of BEYONCE with the use of the BIG LCD on her back. so BEAUTIFUL and GREAT to watch so you better watch the performance. as in NOW, don’t miss the fun =)</p>
<p>credits: TopQualityContent1 (</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Beyonce’s Dress and Gowns">Beyonce’s Dress and Gowns</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 7, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Beyonce’s Dress and Gowns">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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<p>— here is a video of the different dresses and gowns beyonce has worn</p>
<p>credits: <strong><a id="watch-username" href="" rel="author"><strong>2spyc4u (youtube)</strong></a></strong></p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to You think you can walk in this heels? =)">You think you can walk in this heels? =)</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 7, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on You think you can walk in this heels? =)">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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<p>so as you watched the video. that’s what we call the “Ballet Heels” =) and those heels are featured in Beyonce’s Music Video, “Green Light”… so you think you can walk in this heels?</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Alternative Hair Color Ideas 2011">Alternative Hair Color Ideas 2011</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 7, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Alternative Hair Color Ideas 2011">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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<div><img src="" alt="Alternative Hair Color Ideas 2011" /></p>
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<div>Get into the groove of the new season with these alternative hair color ideas 2011. Dress up your tresses with some of the scene-stealing hues as there are actually no limits when it comes to the color palette used by some of the ace hair gurus. A brand new hair tone is the quick fix you’ll need to stand out from the crowd and make your look even more appealing and fascinating.<br />
<span style="color:#008000;"><br />
<div>Give a modern edge to your look with innovative hair color. Let yourself be mesmerized by the beauty of colorful ‘dos that make the best impression especially if you have the attitude to pull them off. These innovative hair color ideas for 2011 are perfect to perk things up a bit.A punky touch is all you need if you long for a dramatic change in your hair color. Drop the traditional hair dyeing option and instead experiment with the latest color combo alternatives and techniques. Ask for the help of a pro hair stylist to grant you with a similarly dazzling hair tone as the examples below. If you’re still at the beginning of your hair colorist career, make sure you follow all the instructions of hair dyeing especially if you go for an at home hair coloring job.</div>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to The Fantastical World of Alexander McQueen in Shoes">The Fantastical World of Alexander McQueen in Shoes</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 2, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on The Fantastical World of Alexander McQueen in Shoes">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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					<p><img class="alignnone" src="" alt="" width="594" height="485" /></p>
<p>Alexander McQueen existed in his own fantastical orbit – which made for some spectacular shoes.</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Best Hairstyle in America 2011">Best Hairstyle in America 2011</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 2, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Best Hairstyle in America 2011">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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					<p><img class="alignnone" src="" alt="" width="470" height="705" /></p>
<p><strong>The Bob</strong></p>
<p>When Jennifer Aniston axed her signature layers into a chic bob, America swooned (again). Her hair can do no wrong, securing the most requested style of 2011 (hitmaker Rihanna has the country’s second favorite bob). Aniston’s stylist, Chris McMilla, created the slightly angled look by trimming at the nape of the neck and following the jawline. The secret to Rihanna’s blazing crop? A dry haircut. “I anticipate the way she’ll actually wear it,” says Rihanna’s stylist, Ursula Stephen. The look hit especially high notes in our live music capital. “It’s the ultimate Austin cut,” explains Michael Portman, co-owner of Birds Barbershop. “The city is laid-back—people don’t want a fussy style.”</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Juniors-Senior Promenade (batch 2010-2011) BFF Review">Juniors-Senior Promenade (batch 2010-2011) BFF Review</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 2, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Juniors-Senior Promenade (batch 2010-2011) BFF Review">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>
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					<p><a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-12" title="JSSSS" src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" /></a></p>
<p>— so this are the gowns that we wore last Febuary 2011 =)</p>
<p>from Left to Right: we have FATIMA, ERIKA, CHESCA (best gown of the prom, and was design by his Older Brother. Archie Tamayo), JOHN NESTOR, CLINT ARJAY ZAMORA (Me), DARLIN, SHAIRA, REINE and GLADYLYNE (the lady wearing the red gown)</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to Beyonce dancing to END OF TIME">Beyonce dancing to END OF TIME</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 2, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on Beyonce dancing to END OF TIME">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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<p>— a MUST WATCH Performance =)</p>
<p>you gotta love her OUTFIT in this PERFORMANCE</p>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to RIHANNA says “bye bye” to her RED Hair">RIHANNA says “bye bye” to her RED Hair</a></h1>
										<div class="timestamp">August 2, 2011 //</div> <div class="comment-bubble"><a href="" title="Comment on RIHANNA says “bye bye” to her RED Hair">0</a></a></div>					<div class="clearboth"><!-- --></div>

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					<p>OH NO! Rihanna just changed her HAIR COLOR, from Red to something chestnut Brown, well… We Don’t know what the reason behind it why Rihanna changed her HAIR COLOR… so you better check her new HAIR =)))</p>
<div class="wp-caption alignnone" style="width: 160px"><a href=""><img title="Rihanna Chestnut Hair" src="" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Rihanna Chestnut Hair</p></div>
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					<h1><a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to C.A Fashion: Designs Review">C.A Fashion: Designs Review</a></h1>
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<p>- let’s make a <strong>REVIEW </strong>about this Design, I was making this in just a SIMPLE Paper and a PEN, the design was inspired by a pencil cut-mermaid, velvet color with a lining of black on the center bottom part and same color of Gloves on it. =)</p>
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